Better procedural outcomes and training.

Better procedural outcomes and training.

Better procedural outcomes and training.

Founded in 2019, SXR empowers proceduralists, surgeons and hospitals to achieve better patient outcomes. Our secure approach to streaming, proctoring, case storage and analysis of medical interventions and data is transforming training and peer review for constant procedural improvement.

SXR is developed by medical experts alongside digital leaders. Privacy, ethics and innovative technology are at the heart of what we do.

Leveraging the power of SXR combined with stringent security guardrails to automate the case capturing process, medical professionals can take control of their data for future analysis.

SXR allows flexibility and scale to proctor or stream cases at any time, from any theatre/OR, with minimal disruption, people and equipment required.


To improve procedural
and patient outcomes by comprehensively analysing all aspects of an intervention from procedural skills to team management and institutional operational efficiency.

Optimising procedures, improving training and creating efficiency.
We enable procedural imaging data to be securely accessible for continued assessment, the design of new procedures and compliance to reduce risk.

We increase connection, training and support through live case proctoring and feedback loops as well as complementing existing workflows and transforming the theatre experience.

SXR is helping to support and empower the proceduralist and surgeon of the future.

Proctoring, case capturing,
storage and analysis.

Proctoring, case capturing,
storage and analysis.

Get your team started with remote proctoring, today.

Get your team started with remote proctoring, today.